Be Game

Be Game

A Unique Lifestyle Hat Brand

How an entrepreneur struggling to find a manufacturer used Sourcify to turn things around.


Like many entrepreneurs, Aga X was faced with one major problem: he had a great idea, yet didn’t know how to turn that idea into an actual product. He had the branding set for his new line of premium hats, had the logos in place, and even knew the colorways he wanted to produce.

The only thing left for him to do was find the right manufacturer. He tried using open databases like Alibaba but never felt trust in any of the manufacturers he connected with. Most of the manufacturers he contacted didn’t respond and the ones that did weren’t capable of producing the type of hats he wanted.

After three months of trying on his own, Aga heard of Sourcify. He immediately reached out, directly to our email stating his dilemma. We understood Aga’s situation—he was so close to bringing this product to life but just couldn’t find the right manufacturing partner. Aga was farther along than most our clients in their product life cycle, as he already had a clear vision for what he wanted to produce.


We started our process with him by clearly understanding the product he was looking to bring to life. In Aga’s case, he was developing a fashion brand around classic baseball hats. Since he was just starting up, we knew his minimum order quantities would need to be low. Though some manufacturers will have rather high minimum order quantities, Sourcify has established a database of manufacturers that can handle nearly every order size.

Our next step in the process of finding him a manufacturer was to contact the manufacturers we already knew who produce hats. Within five days we had a quote from one of the world’s best hat manufacturers to bring Aga’s product to life. From this point on, we introduced Aga is the manufacturer who we were certain would be a great fit. Soon after, Aga finalized the specifications of his hats with this manufacturer and ordered a sample (we always recommend ordering a sample before going into production).

“We understood Aga’s situation-he was so close to bringing this product to life but just couldn’t find the right manufacturing partner.”


His sample was just as he imagined—a knitted logo on the front, with the words Be Game across the back! Aga then ordered his first order of hats directly from the manufacturer, without having to deal with any middlemen. Since we introduced him to a manufacturer that had low minimum order quantities, Aga didn’t even have to invest a lot of money into inventory.


Costs Saved

2 Days

Source Time


Margin Increase

Now, Aga’s business is up and running and he is selling hats almost everyday through his website, As he says, “I’m not sure I would have been able to start a business if Sourcify hadn’t introduced me to the right manufacturer.”


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