Chinese New Year Sourcing and Manufacturing Best Practices in 2018
For those of you who have been sourcing for a few years, you know the effect the Chinese New Year holiday has in China. Most of the country shuts down for a couple weeks as they return home and celebrate the new year. For any business manufacturing in China, this
5 Tips to Alleviate Your Shipping Pains and Optimize Your Shipping Solutions
This is a guest post by Jesse Kaufman, the CEO of ShippingTree. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing your business grow by leaps and bounds. It’s something every entrepreneur dreams of. Should your e-commerce business be lucky enough to face serious growth you should be prepared for the challenges that
9 Key Steps to Bring Your Invention to Life
This is a guest post by Natalie Peters, a Marketing Manager at Sourcify. You’re stuck in 5:00 traffic and an idea hits you. You freeze and the car behind you jolts you back into reality with a deafening honk. A few days go by and it’s all you can think
How and Why You Should Use the Factory Confirm Chrome Extension by Sourcify
You’re in business and want to cut costs or you’re starting a business and want to bring a product to life. The go to database for you to search for manufacturers is going to be Alibaba. With millions of manufacturers listed, you start diving into the process. You search for
The Insider’s Guide To Creating a Perfect Tech Pack
This is a special guest contributor post by our friends over at Techpacker Did you know that 9 out of 10 times, fashion designers and entrepreneurs around the world send incomplete tech packs to request a manufacturing quote? Luckily, tech packs and technology can help designers save time and money in